Texas Conference Attendees

A New and Serious Response was the theme of this year’s Texas Legislative Event (TLE).  The event provides annual training and information on statewide public policy issues and pending legislation to educate and equip women to do justice by putting their faith, hope and love in action to fulfill the purpose of the United Women in Faith. The event is organized by the United Women in Faith and their advocacy partner, Texas Impact. 

Attendees were presented with an election year overview of the legislative priorities for 2023-2024 and their impact on the March 6th primary elections.  The overview was followed by issue briefings on reproductive policy, climate justice, public school vouchers, gun violence, immigration, voter education resources and civic engagement. An inspirational worship service was led by Rev. Cheryl Smith, she urged us to be witnesses as we advocate for justice.  The keynote speakers, Rev. Sharon Austin, Director of Connectional and Justice Ministries in the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church and Sally Vonner, General Secretary/Chief Executive Officer of United Women in Faith both spoke with the same engaging and prevailing theme, our God is a justice seeker and He seeks to make things just for all people in due time.

We shared our legislative priorities on Tuesday morning with visits to our representatives and senators offices at the Capitol. We concluded our time together with encouragement to return home ready to advocate on behalf of women, children, youth and the marginalized by putting faith, hope and love into action.

Dorothy Ringer Sumner
Social Action Coordinator

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